How to Remove Red Wine From A Wool Rug? in Baltimore, Md

Carpets, upholstery, and rugs are made from a variety of of synthetic and natural fibers. When a spill occurs on natural fibers there are special concerns that should be taken in order not to damage the natural fiber(s).

There are limited options for stain removal of red, pet urine, and few others with natural fibers. Aprofessional carpet cleaner has some options to correct spills on delicate natural fibers.

I just came across a blog article, How do I deal with red wine spilled on my favorite wool rug? and I have some concerns with some of the information provided.

I would not recommend using hydrogen peroxide of natural fibers. With carpet cleaning I have seen some of the cleaners available on the market with the word, “oxy” in the name that have bleached wool. These cleaners on the market that have the word “oxy” make hydrogen peroxide which is a form of bleach. Also, when cleaning natural fibers professional carpet cleaners know that you have to watch how strong of an alkaline cleaner that is used. This means that the dishwashing soap at your sink is an alkaline and may be harmful to natural fibers.

The web is a valuable resource for information, but readers need to be careful to what information they trust. Rugs are expensive investments and last a long time, if cleaned properly.

So, if you have questions about your carpet cleaning or rug cleaning needs, please call your local professional carpet cleaner. If you need help finding a great Baltimore, Md Carpet Cleaner then give Shaun Pierce a call 443-277-7265 or go to Baltimore carpet cleaner.